Communication and Language
Communication and language
Communication and language is a prime area in EYFS which means that it’s one of the important building blocks for all the other areas. Children’s language skills are connected to their overall development and can predict their educational success. As speaking and listening develops, children build foundations for literacy, for making sense of visual and verbal signs and ultimately for reading and writing. Therefore we believe in immersing children in language rich activities and reading books every day. We have a voting station where children can vote for the books they would like an adult to read at story-time that day. Role play indoors and outdoors is encouraged and modelled. We use Helicopter stories to develop story-telling and imagination and use Poetry basket to learn to recite poems. New vocabulary is learnt through our new topics and through conversations and modelling.

Communication Friendly Setting Status
We are currently working towards gaining our 'Communication Friendly setting' status. A communication friendly setting is one that ensures that children's speech, language and communication skills are planned for and supported throughout the day. As part of this we complete Wellcomm speech and language assessments at the start of the year and then provide children with the relevant interventions and support
We also have a member of the team who is currently completing ELKLAN level 4, speech and language training and she will be training the rest of the EYFS staff over the next two terms.