Contact details
If you have any questions or would like some information then please contact our school office either by phone or email. Our office team are always willing to help.
01904 552399
Bishopthorpe Infant School, Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York, YO23 2QQ
All documents and information from our website is available as a paper copies on request from the school office. These will be provided free of charge to parents.
Further Contact Details:
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Kerry Davies
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Jenny Ingram
Chair of Governors: Mr Timothy Andrews
SENDCo: Mrs Zita Clarke
Bishopthorpe Infant School is part of the South York Multi Academy Trust
Fulfordgate, Heslington Lane, York, YO10 4FY
Tel: 01904 633300
Fax: 01904 666400
Please click here to see a map of our location and details about parking and transport.
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