South York Multi-Academy Trust (SYMAT) encourages all member schools to be self-governing, helping support their responsibility to serve their communities first and foremost. This is achieved through the appointment of a governing body to provide focused governance at the local level. For full details of SYMAT’s governance arrangements and information regarding the Trustees and Members, please see the MAT website.
A single local governing body was created in March 2023 to provide governance across both Bishopthorpe Infant School (BIS) and Archbishop of York’s Church of England Junior School (AYJS), working closely with the Executive Headteacher newly appointed to lead both schools.
Membership of the governing body is made up of a number of different types of governor, reflecting each school’s heritage and our key stakeholders:
- 2 Parent governors (1 BIS and 1 AYJS)
- 2 Staff governors (1 BIS and 1 AYJS)
- 3 Foundation governors (reflecting AYJS’s status as a Church of England school)
- 5 Trust appointed governors
Between them, the governors bring a blend of skills and experience that is greatly valued. The governing body meets formally six times a year, once every half term, and governors also undertake a number of other responsibilities in support of both schools. All are united in their shared commitment to see our schools continue to flourish and grow at the heart of our community.
Local Governor’s Name Category of Local Governor
Mr Timothy Andrew (Chair, Safeguarding) Trust appointed
Mrs Jane Flint (Vice-Chair) Foundation appointed
Mrs Kate Freer Parent appointed (BIS)
Mrs Nicola Childs Parent appointed (AYJS)
Mrs Emma Daker Staff appointed (BIS)
Miss Carley Ray Staff appointed (AYJS)
Revd Simon Bray Foundation appointed & Ex-Officio
Dr Rosamund Boddington Foundation appointed
Mr Derek Angood Trust appointed
Mr Simon Sykes (Health & Safety) Trust appointed
Miss Louise Wilson Trust appointed
Miss Sophie Cunningham (SEND) Trust appointed
If you would like to contact the governors, you can do so either via contacting the BIS or AYJS school offices, or via email to the Chair, Timothy Andrew, at