Autumn 1
Where We Live
This term we are beginning our journey with the beautiful text 'Here We Are' written by Oliver Jeffers. Jeffers focuses on the need for kindness and care to the planet and each other and to embrace the fact that we are all different and yet, the same. The children in Year One and Year Two have written some kindness posters, they also had to draw and use colour mixing skills to paint themselves. Children also gave out kindness tokens to each other. We really thought hard on how and what we can do to be kind to each other.
Here We Are
Oak Class have settled into school brilliantly and have been busy exploring the areas of provision. We have been thinking about who we are, our families and where we live, as well as learning about autumn and the changing seasons.
Birch Class have enjoyed going outside to learn about Autumn and the different trees that we have in the school grounds. The reception children learnt how to make a face with natural materials and the year one children collected natural materials and learnt how to weave.